* Essential textbooks
+ Highly recommended supplementary textbooks
* New Testament Survey by Peter Hammond
+ Matthew Henrys Commentary on the whole Bible by Matthew Henry 1710
+ The Reformation Study Bible
+ The Thompson Chain Reference Bible
+ Explore the Book by J. Sidlow Baxter
+ Vines Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words
+ Haylley’s Bible Handbook by Henry H. Halley 1927, Zondervan
DVDs & Video links on Vimeo Gallery:
The Hard Words of Jesus
The Illegal Trial of Christ
The Worst Crime in History
Christ is Risen Indeed
We Serve a Risen Saviour
The Ascension and Authority of Christ
The Fire of God
The Greatness of the Great Commission
Biblical Faith and Fake Faith
Missionary Strategy in Acts
A Biblical Vision of Victory
Surprising Solutions in the Scriptures
Audio MP3:
New Testament Survey Audio MP3 Boxset
Recommended Films:
The Nativity Story
Ben Hur (1960 version)
Jesus Film (available in over 2800 languages)
The Acts of the Apostles (Visual Bible)
The Passion of the Christ
The Case for Christ
To download Course Resource List CLICK HERE
+ Highly recommended supplementary textbooks
* New Testament Survey by Peter Hammond
+ Matthew Henrys Commentary on the whole Bible by Matthew Henry 1710
+ The Reformation Study Bible
+ The Thompson Chain Reference Bible
+ Explore the Book by J. Sidlow Baxter
+ Vines Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words
+ Haylley’s Bible Handbook by Henry H. Halley 1927, Zondervan
DVDs & Video links on Vimeo Gallery:
The Hard Words of Jesus
The Illegal Trial of Christ
The Worst Crime in History
Christ is Risen Indeed
We Serve a Risen Saviour
The Ascension and Authority of Christ
The Fire of God
The Greatness of the Great Commission
Biblical Faith and Fake Faith
Missionary Strategy in Acts
A Biblical Vision of Victory
Surprising Solutions in the Scriptures
Audio MP3:
New Testament Survey Audio MP3 Boxset
Recommended Films:
The Nativity Story
Ben Hur (1960 version)
Jesus Film (available in over 2800 languages)
The Acts of the Apostles (Visual Bible)
The Passion of the Christ
The Case for Christ
To download Course Resource List CLICK HERE
- Read through every Book of the New Testament. Provide a 2,000 word Book Report on the New Testament Survey. This should clearly state where you agree, or disagree, with the author and briefly explain how the content can be applied to your life and ministry.
- Provide a 1,000 word summary of surprising things you learned from the New Testament Survey contrary to popular perceptions.
- Provide a 500 word essay summarising concisely what each Book of the New Testament teaches of Christ.
- Provide a 400 word essay on missionary strategy in the Book of Acts.
- Summarise the emphasis and elements of Gospel preaching in the Book of Acts (400 words).
- Write a 1,000 word essay applying the principles for the Church from the Epistles and Book of Acts.
- Write a 600 word essay summarising the message of the Book of Revelation.
- Write a 300 word Essay summarising Biblical requirements for Church leadership.
- What are three of the most important principles from the New Testament, which we need to emphasise in our preaching and teaching today (450 words).
Resources available for purchase from:
Christian Liberty Books Resources for Reformation and Revival P O Box 358 Howard Place Pinelands Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021 689 7478 [email protected] www.christianlibertybooks.co.za |
Recommended Website Resources:
- ASSIST News Service: PO Box 609, Lake Forest, CA 92609: [email protected]
- Christian Action Magazine: PO Box 23632, Claremont, 7735, Cape Town, South Africa; [email protected]
- Frontline Fellowship News: PO Box 74, Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa [email protected]
- Movieguide: PO Box 190010, Atlanta, Georgia 31119, USA; www.movieguide.org
"Expect Great things from God! Attempt Great things for God!"
P.O. Box 74, Newlands, 7725, Cape Town, South Africa
To all who are interested in doing this program, all correspondence must be done through email only. [email protected] www.williamcareybi.com |