Introduction to The
William Carey Bible Institute

The William Carey Bible Institute is a Reformed, Evangelistic, Biblical and practical leadership training programme. Inspired by the steadfast example of the “Father of Modern Missions”, Dr. William Carey, this Institute is dedicated to changing lives and transforming cultures.
The pursuit of the knowledge of God in a systematic, philosophical and in-depth way led to the phenomenon of universities all around the world. It was the Christian Faith that gave rise to the very idea of higher learning. Christianity has been the greatest force for education throughout all of history. Most of the world’s languages were first set to writing by Christian missionaries. The first book in most languages of the world has been the Bible. Christianity has been the greatest force for promoting literacy worldwide - throughout all of history.
The William Carey Bible Institute is a Reformed, Evangelistic, Biblical and practical leadership training programme. Inspired by the steadfast example of the “Father of Modern Missions”, Dr. William Carey, this Institute is dedicated to changing lives and transforming cultures.
The pursuit of the knowledge of God in a systematic, philosophical and in-depth way led to the phenomenon of universities all around the world. It was the Christian Faith that gave rise to the very idea of higher learning. Christianity has been the greatest force for education throughout all of history. Most of the world’s languages were first set to writing by Christian missionaries. The first book in most languages of the world has been the Bible. Christianity has been the greatest force for promoting literacy worldwide - throughout all of history.

There is no doubt that Jesus Christ is the greatest Teacher the world has ever known. When He spoke, “they were astonished at His teaching, for He taught them as one having authority…” Mark 1:22. The life, teachings and example of Jesus Christ have profoundly influenced the whole development of education worldwide. The Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ is to: “Make disciples of all nations… teaching them….” Matthew 28:19-20
The Apostles took the example and commands of our Lord Jesus Christ seriously, “they did not cease teaching…” Acts 5:42. One of the Biblical requirements for a Christian leader is that he must be “able to teach” 1 Timothy 3:2
The German Reformer, Dr. Martin Luther, taught that cultivating the human mind is absolutely essential “because people need both to understand the Word of Scripture and the nature of the world in which the Word would take root.”
Martin Luther also warned: “I am much afraid that schools will prove to be wide gates to hell unless they diligently labour in explaining the Holy Scriptures, engraving them on the hearts of youth. I advise no one to place his child where the Scriptures to not reign paramount. Every institution in which men are not constantly occupied with the Word of God must become corrupt.”
There is no doubt that Jesus Christ is the greatest Teacher the world has ever known. When He spoke, “they were astonished at His teaching, for He taught them as one having authority…” Mark 1:22. The life, teachings and example of Jesus Christ have profoundly influenced the whole development of education worldwide. The Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ is to: “Make disciples of all nations… teaching them….” Matthew 28:19-20
The Apostles took the example and commands of our Lord Jesus Christ seriously, “they did not cease teaching…” Acts 5:42. One of the Biblical requirements for a Christian leader is that he must be “able to teach” 1 Timothy 3:2
The German Reformer, Dr. Martin Luther, taught that cultivating the human mind is absolutely essential “because people need both to understand the Word of Scripture and the nature of the world in which the Word would take root.”
Martin Luther also warned: “I am much afraid that schools will prove to be wide gates to hell unless they diligently labour in explaining the Holy Scriptures, engraving them on the hearts of youth. I advise no one to place his child where the Scriptures to not reign paramount. Every institution in which men are not constantly occupied with the Word of God must become corrupt.”
Universities grew out of the monastic missionary centres which discipled Europe. From the first monastery established at Monte Casino in 528 A.D., elaborate library systems were established. The monks, who were the missionaries who discipled Europe, collected books and copied manuscripts. They were required to read daily. So indispensable were libraries to these orders that the libraries were said to be the monasteries armoury, similar to the armoury of a castle. UNIVERSITIES The first universities, in Paris, Oxford and Cambridge in the 13th century, taught Theology, Law and Medicine. The first university lecturers were the missionary monks who came from a long-standing tradition of doing both physical and intellectual work. Monks were used to getting their hands dirty doing what had to be done. Therefore, from the start, these universities combined manual and intellectual activity. |

It is ironic that so many high institutes of learning today are so hostile towards Christianity. Perhaps they are ignorant of the Christian roots of universal education for all classes and both genders and the incomparable contribution of Christianity to worldwide literacy, graded education and higher education. The very name – University, testifies to its Christian origins. Uni Veritas means “one truth”. How ironic that so many university and seminary professors today do not even believe that there is an objective truth. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” Proverbs 1:7
The William Carey Bible Institute is determined to focus on the greatest Teacher the world has ever known, the greatest Book ever produced and the Faith which inspired and pioneered every major branch of education and science. “We will not hide them from their children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord… which He commanded our forefathers to teach their children, so that the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born and they in turn would tell their children. Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget His deeds but would keep His Commandments.” Psalm 78:4-7
The most successful societies on earth have been established upon a Christian culture. The Biblical Worldview has produced the most productive, prosperous and free nations on earth. However, as these societies have abandoned their Christian roots and have turned away from God’s Law, the seeds of decay have set in. If we want well-ordered, stable homes, safe, clean communities and nations where justice prevails, we will need to work for Biblical Reformation, applying the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life. “My people perish from lack of knowledge...” Hosea 4:6
The moral and social decay and corruption evident today are results of the failure to implement truly Christian education. We cannot expect God to bless that which is in rebellion to His Laws.
Christ rules the earth. He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. We are to make disciples of all nations and teach obedience to all things that the Lord has commanded us. Every word, thought and action must be in submission to God’s expressed Will. No area of life can be excluded from Christ’s authority. In all things Christ must have the pre-eminence.
It is ironic that so many high institutes of learning today are so hostile towards Christianity. Perhaps they are ignorant of the Christian roots of universal education for all classes and both genders and the incomparable contribution of Christianity to worldwide literacy, graded education and higher education. The very name – University, testifies to its Christian origins. Uni Veritas means “one truth”. How ironic that so many university and seminary professors today do not even believe that there is an objective truth. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” Proverbs 1:7
The William Carey Bible Institute is determined to focus on the greatest Teacher the world has ever known, the greatest Book ever produced and the Faith which inspired and pioneered every major branch of education and science. “We will not hide them from their children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord… which He commanded our forefathers to teach their children, so that the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born and they in turn would tell their children. Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget His deeds but would keep His Commandments.” Psalm 78:4-7
The most successful societies on earth have been established upon a Christian culture. The Biblical Worldview has produced the most productive, prosperous and free nations on earth. However, as these societies have abandoned their Christian roots and have turned away from God’s Law, the seeds of decay have set in. If we want well-ordered, stable homes, safe, clean communities and nations where justice prevails, we will need to work for Biblical Reformation, applying the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life. “My people perish from lack of knowledge...” Hosea 4:6
The moral and social decay and corruption evident today are results of the failure to implement truly Christian education. We cannot expect God to bless that which is in rebellion to His Laws.
Christ rules the earth. He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. We are to make disciples of all nations and teach obedience to all things that the Lord has commanded us. Every word, thought and action must be in submission to God’s expressed Will. No area of life can be excluded from Christ’s authority. In all things Christ must have the pre-eminence.
If we faithfully build on Christ’s foundation, sowing His Word as seed and watering with faithful prayer, we may depend upon God granting the increase.
As a Bible Institute, we need to be faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ and to His Word, to train up Godly men and women who will build on the rock certainties of God’s Word and not compromise the Gospel upon the sands of secular Humanism.
There is a crisis in higher education today. Many academics delight in turning students away from the Christian Faith, promoting evolutionism, situation ethics, gender confusion and humanism. Even in many Christian schools and colleges, theistic evolution, antinomianism and arminianism are eroding the essential Biblical foundations that were laid during the Protestant Reformation.
WCBI is convinced that the only reliable standard is the Word of God. We are firmly committed to the Biblical Faith of the Reformation and all its implications. The doctrines of God’s sovereign grace and the Lordship of Christ in all areas of life are foundational and fundamental components of all true knowledge and wisdom. Our goal is to provide a consistently Reformed alternative to the ethically chaotic education offered by secularism, liberalism, antinomianism, globalism and the new age movement.
We believe the Biblical doctrine of the depravity of man. Men do not discover the truth, it has to be revealed to us. Unless God the Father reveals Christ to us, we search in vain, for Christ alone is the Way, the Truth and the Life. The 66 Books of the Bible are the only infallible guide for faith and conduct. The Bible is the foundational textbook of all William Carey Bible Institute courses.
If we faithfully build on Christ’s foundation, sowing His Word as seed and watering with faithful prayer, we may depend upon God granting the increase.
As a Bible Institute, we need to be faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ and to His Word, to train up Godly men and women who will build on the rock certainties of God’s Word and not compromise the Gospel upon the sands of secular Humanism.
There is a crisis in higher education today. Many academics delight in turning students away from the Christian Faith, promoting evolutionism, situation ethics, gender confusion and humanism. Even in many Christian schools and colleges, theistic evolution, antinomianism and arminianism are eroding the essential Biblical foundations that were laid during the Protestant Reformation.
WCBI is convinced that the only reliable standard is the Word of God. We are firmly committed to the Biblical Faith of the Reformation and all its implications. The doctrines of God’s sovereign grace and the Lordship of Christ in all areas of life are foundational and fundamental components of all true knowledge and wisdom. Our goal is to provide a consistently Reformed alternative to the ethically chaotic education offered by secularism, liberalism, antinomianism, globalism and the new age movement.
We believe the Biblical doctrine of the depravity of man. Men do not discover the truth, it has to be revealed to us. Unless God the Father reveals Christ to us, we search in vain, for Christ alone is the Way, the Truth and the Life. The 66 Books of the Bible are the only infallible guide for faith and conduct. The Bible is the foundational textbook of all William Carey Bible Institute courses.

WCBI is committed to that philosophy which is not after the traditions of men, or the foundational principles of this world, but is founded on Christ alone. We know that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom and knowledge. In Christ is hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Every subject has to be taught and understood from a Biblical perspective and worldview. It is impossible to understand the process of education apart from the Revelation of God in His Word. God alone, in Creation, gives purpose and meaning to every aspect of life and this can only be understood through His Authority in Scripture.
We are in a world war of worldviews, a clash of civilizations. The battlegrounds today are found in classrooms and on university campuses and cinemas, in bookshops, in market places, in pulpits and parliaments, in hearts and homes. Because of our commitment to the Bible as the standard for all education, we seek to be faithful to the Biblical principles established by the Reformers.
To win our world to Christ we need university professors with the Faith and courage of John Wycliffe, John Hus, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Theodore Beza, Heinrich Bullinger and Martin Bucer. We need to establish Theological seminaries like Luther’s Wittenberg, Calvin’s Academy, Zwingli’s Carolinian and William of Orange’s Leyden.
WCBI is committed to that philosophy which is not after the traditions of men, or the foundational principles of this world, but is founded on Christ alone. We know that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom and knowledge. In Christ is hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Every subject has to be taught and understood from a Biblical perspective and worldview. It is impossible to understand the process of education apart from the Revelation of God in His Word. God alone, in Creation, gives purpose and meaning to every aspect of life and this can only be understood through His Authority in Scripture.
We are in a world war of worldviews, a clash of civilizations. The battlegrounds today are found in classrooms and on university campuses and cinemas, in bookshops, in market places, in pulpits and parliaments, in hearts and homes. Because of our commitment to the Bible as the standard for all education, we seek to be faithful to the Biblical principles established by the Reformers.
To win our world to Christ we need university professors with the Faith and courage of John Wycliffe, John Hus, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Theodore Beza, Heinrich Bullinger and Martin Bucer. We need to establish Theological seminaries like Luther’s Wittenberg, Calvin’s Academy, Zwingli’s Carolinian and William of Orange’s Leyden.

The historic Creeds and Confessions of the Church and the Biblical exposition by the Reformers, continue to help us faithfully interpret the Bible today. Scripture alone is our ultimate authority, Christ alone is the Head of the Church, Salvation is by God’s grace alone, received by faith alone – for the glory of God alone.
Amongst the foundational positions to which we are committed are: the inerrancy of Scripture, the Creation in six days, the total depravity of man, the Sovereignty of God, the substitutionary Atonement of Christ on the Cross, regeneration, justification by faith, the perseverance of the saints and the final victory of Christ’s Kingdom on earth. These fundamental principles provide the foundation for our objective to prepare every student to glorify God and to serve and enjoy Him forever.
It is our prayer that each course of study will enable each student, pastor, evangelist, teacher and missionary to understand his or her place, purpose and responsibilities in the Will of God and help prepare each student to fulfil God’s calling for their lives, that we may work to advance the Kingdom of God on earth.
We believe that knowledge for the sake of knowledge alone is useless and can lead to intellectual pride. However, Christian education provides Scripture-based knowledge, which must be used to advance the Kingdom of God in this world. The goal of all Christian education is not merely knowledge, in and of itself, but knowledge that can be used to glorify God, advance the Kingdom of God, fulfil the Great Commission and to minister to His creatures.
The historic Creeds and Confessions of the Church and the Biblical exposition by the Reformers, continue to help us faithfully interpret the Bible today. Scripture alone is our ultimate authority, Christ alone is the Head of the Church, Salvation is by God’s grace alone, received by faith alone – for the glory of God alone.
Amongst the foundational positions to which we are committed are: the inerrancy of Scripture, the Creation in six days, the total depravity of man, the Sovereignty of God, the substitutionary Atonement of Christ on the Cross, regeneration, justification by faith, the perseverance of the saints and the final victory of Christ’s Kingdom on earth. These fundamental principles provide the foundation for our objective to prepare every student to glorify God and to serve and enjoy Him forever.
It is our prayer that each course of study will enable each student, pastor, evangelist, teacher and missionary to understand his or her place, purpose and responsibilities in the Will of God and help prepare each student to fulfil God’s calling for their lives, that we may work to advance the Kingdom of God on earth.
We believe that knowledge for the sake of knowledge alone is useless and can lead to intellectual pride. However, Christian education provides Scripture-based knowledge, which must be used to advance the Kingdom of God in this world. The goal of all Christian education is not merely knowledge, in and of itself, but knowledge that can be used to glorify God, advance the Kingdom of God, fulfil the Great Commission and to minister to His creatures.

Christian ethics requires that education must not be used as a means of self-glorification. It is our sincere prayer that every student and graduate of WCBI will seek to love, honour, trust, obey, serve and worship our Lord Jesus Christ wholeheartedly for life.
The Christian life is real, spiritual warfare. We are commanded to earnestly contend for the Faith. Spiritual warfare includes intellectual warfare. Neutrality is impossible in education. All education is inescapably religious.
Education is not made Christian by adding a Bible class, a chapel period, or by beginning a class or assembly with a hymn, choruses or prayer. If the textbooks are written from a secular Humanistic perspective, all the chapel periods, Bible classes and good intentions of the teachers will fail to turn it into true Christian education. Both the teachers and textbooks need to be thoroughly Bible based.
Christian ethics requires that education must not be used as a means of self-glorification. It is our sincere prayer that every student and graduate of WCBI will seek to love, honour, trust, obey, serve and worship our Lord Jesus Christ wholeheartedly for life.
The Christian life is real, spiritual warfare. We are commanded to earnestly contend for the Faith. Spiritual warfare includes intellectual warfare. Neutrality is impossible in education. All education is inescapably religious.
Education is not made Christian by adding a Bible class, a chapel period, or by beginning a class or assembly with a hymn, choruses or prayer. If the textbooks are written from a secular Humanistic perspective, all the chapel periods, Bible classes and good intentions of the teachers will fail to turn it into true Christian education. Both the teachers and textbooks need to be thoroughly Bible based.

For this reason, the William Carey Bible Institute courses consist primarily of excellent Christian textbooks and lectures on audio CDs or audio MP3’s and video DVDs. These textbooks and audiovisual lectures provide the core content of the programme. Each student will be required to carefully study each textbook and carefully listen to each lecture, making notes. They will then be required to provide accurate Book Reports on textbooks and Assignments on each subject based upon the lectures and textbooks. In addition to the Book Reports and written Assignments, various multiple-choice Exams, tests and practicals may also be required. These would be closed book exams.
All WCBI courses may be taken at your own pace, either leisurely, or at an accelerated pace. How long you take to complete each programme and how many courses you take at a time are up to your situation and choice.
The Directed Tutorial Study System was developed by pioneer English universities, Oxford and Cambridge. It requires students to combine reading, listening to lectures, tutorial and laboratory or assignments. Making use of our modern communication and information systems, students are able to study at home, work, or while traveling, utilizing audio MP3’s, the website and related webs such as lectures and messages we have placed on our video page and on as well as PowerPoint presentations uploaded through Slideshare and textbooks available through Christian Liberty Books. Those who complete the Biblical Worldview Summit and Great Commission Course in Cape Town will receive due recognition and credits toward their WCBI courses.
Each student is encouraged to locate in their area a Christian professional skilled in your chosen field of study and interact with them over the subjects. Discussion and debate with peers and professionals over the various issues are invaluable for testing ones theories and developing ones understanding.
It is not the policy of WCBI to seek accreditations from non-Christian agencies which do not share our Christian Faith, Biblical values and Missionary perspective. We will neither seek, nor accept, any government funding, “accreditation”, or interference.
WCBI is continually seeking to upgrade its courses, selecting or producing the most effective and appropriate textbooks and audio lectures for each field of study. The faculty members of WCBI are missionaries and ministers who have disciplined their own minds by prolonged study, reflection, discussion, writing, speaking and pioneer missionary work.
To see a list of the WCBI Faculty CLICK HERE
For this reason, the William Carey Bible Institute courses consist primarily of excellent Christian textbooks and lectures on audio CDs or audio MP3’s and video DVDs. These textbooks and audiovisual lectures provide the core content of the programme. Each student will be required to carefully study each textbook and carefully listen to each lecture, making notes. They will then be required to provide accurate Book Reports on textbooks and Assignments on each subject based upon the lectures and textbooks. In addition to the Book Reports and written Assignments, various multiple-choice Exams, tests and practicals may also be required. These would be closed book exams.
All WCBI courses may be taken at your own pace, either leisurely, or at an accelerated pace. How long you take to complete each programme and how many courses you take at a time are up to your situation and choice.
The Directed Tutorial Study System was developed by pioneer English universities, Oxford and Cambridge. It requires students to combine reading, listening to lectures, tutorial and laboratory or assignments. Making use of our modern communication and information systems, students are able to study at home, work, or while traveling, utilizing audio MP3’s, the website and related webs such as lectures and messages we have placed on our video page and on as well as PowerPoint presentations uploaded through Slideshare and textbooks available through Christian Liberty Books. Those who complete the Biblical Worldview Summit and Great Commission Course in Cape Town will receive due recognition and credits toward their WCBI courses.
Each student is encouraged to locate in their area a Christian professional skilled in your chosen field of study and interact with them over the subjects. Discussion and debate with peers and professionals over the various issues are invaluable for testing ones theories and developing ones understanding.
It is not the policy of WCBI to seek accreditations from non-Christian agencies which do not share our Christian Faith, Biblical values and Missionary perspective. We will neither seek, nor accept, any government funding, “accreditation”, or interference.
WCBI is continually seeking to upgrade its courses, selecting or producing the most effective and appropriate textbooks and audio lectures for each field of study. The faculty members of WCBI are missionaries and ministers who have disciplined their own minds by prolonged study, reflection, discussion, writing, speaking and pioneer missionary work.
To see a list of the WCBI Faculty CLICK HERE
Students are encouraged to be involved in regular Christian service in the area in which they live. This is an essential aspect of any worthwhile education. An ounce of experience can be more valuable than a tonne of theory.
The William Carey Bible Institute programme aims to be character changing, nation building and culture transforming. Information is cheap. Understanding is valuable. Participation is most precious. It is our prayer and intention to provide each student with the information and inspiration needed to become effectively involved in fulfilling the Great Commission, making disciples of all nations, teaching obedience to all things that the Lord has commanded.
That is why the college is named after William Carey, the Father of Modern Missions, who, although he was deprived of secondary schooling, was so well read, dedicated and disciplined, that through reading and faith in action, he became one of the finest linguists, Bible translators and social Reformers in history.
To download the William Carey Bible Institute Prospectus CLICK HERE.
To listen to our interview on From the Frontline Podcast CLICK HERE
May his great motto become ours too: “Expect great things from God! Attempt great things for God!”
May God abundantly bless your studies and service.
Yours for the fulfilment of the Great Commission
Students are encouraged to be involved in regular Christian service in the area in which they live. This is an essential aspect of any worthwhile education. An ounce of experience can be more valuable than a tonne of theory.
The William Carey Bible Institute programme aims to be character changing, nation building and culture transforming. Information is cheap. Understanding is valuable. Participation is most precious. It is our prayer and intention to provide each student with the information and inspiration needed to become effectively involved in fulfilling the Great Commission, making disciples of all nations, teaching obedience to all things that the Lord has commanded.
That is why the college is named after William Carey, the Father of Modern Missions, who, although he was deprived of secondary schooling, was so well read, dedicated and disciplined, that through reading and faith in action, he became one of the finest linguists, Bible translators and social Reformers in history.
To download the William Carey Bible Institute Prospectus CLICK HERE.
To listen to our interview on From the Frontline Podcast CLICK HERE
May his great motto become ours too: “Expect great things from God! Attempt great things for God!”
May God abundantly bless your studies and service.
Yours for the fulfilment of the Great Commission
Dr. Peter Hammond
Principal William Carey Bible Institute PO Box 74 Newlands, 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 E-mail: [email protected] Web: |
"Expect Great things from God! Attempt Great things for God!"
P.O. Box 74, Newlands, 7725, Cape Town, South Africa
To all who are interested in doing this program, all correspondence must be done through email only. [email protected] |